Learn To Swim Freestyle

Do you want to learn to swim freestyle and swim without getting exhausted and totally out of breath? Do you want to be that swimmer who swims up and down the pool with a swimming technique that allows you to keep going without having to stop every lap to catch your breath? Am I correct in these assumptions? If this is you, then you are in exactly the right place.

Freestyle swimming technique is easier to swim smoothly and effortlessly when the stroke is broken down into its separate parts and learnt piece by piece.  Only then do you discover your bad points before correcting them and putting the stroke back together again.  The smallest change to your body position or breathing technique for example can have an instant positive effect on your swimming stroke.  But, you won't know until you test out each part one step at a time.

Use tried and tested exercises to learn what each part of your body should be doing and perfect freestyle piece by piece. 

Body Position: this is arguably the most important element of smooth and effortless freestyle swimming technique. Learn to master the 'push and glide' (explained in detail in my book) and you will have in place, the essential key to swimming freestyle whilst using the minimum amount of energy. 

learn to swim freestyle without getting tired

Leg Kick: freestyle kick should be smooth and relaxed so that the leg movements balance the arms and use as little power as possible to avoid wasting energy. Kicking whilst holding a kickboard is the best exercise to perfect freestyle leg action. My book outlines every small detail you need to focus on to master this element of freestyle swimming stroke.

Arm Pull Technique: the arms must also be smooth and continuous when swimming freestyle and they must also play their part in maintaining a streamlined body position. This will ensure your stroke remains smooth and efficient and again, you do not waste energy unnecessarily. 

Breathing Technique: freestyle breathing must be slick and efficient to maintain a continuous and smooth swimming stroke. How and when are the crucial aspects to learn, and using a kickboard held with a diagonal grip (illustrated and explained in my book) is a great way to learn the breathing action. 

Timing and Coordination: the timing of the arm and leg movements when swimming freestyle can determine how balanced and therefore how energy efficient the whole stroke can be. 'Catch-up', with or without a kickboard is a great way to learn this important part and is crucial when you learn to swim freestyle. 

Learn To Swim Freestyle With The Only Guidebook You Will Need

  • 22 simple to learn basic exercises
  • Professional technique tips
  • Easy to understand diagrams and photos
Basic drills for learning how to swim front crawl
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So Simple!

five star review

"Wow, so simple! The exercises along with the focus points got me thinking about parts of my freestyle swimming technique that never crossed my mind. I now swim longer distances with less effort." C Ferguson

Inside My Freestyle Technique Book...

...you will discover the answer to some of the most common questions.

Do you ever ask yourself...

  • Why do I get so out of breath swimming freestyle?
  • Why do I kick so hard and yet seem to get nowhere?
  • What is the correct technique for freestyle breathing?

Find the answers to these and many more questions inside.

Sample Pages

Check out the sample pages below and you will see from the amount of hints, tips and focus points contained in each page and each exercise that there is something for everyone, whatever stage of learning you are at.

how to swim freestyle
freestyle swimming technique
learn to swim freestyle

Take a look inside by downloading a free sample.

Always wanted to learn to swim Freestyle?  Do you find basic freestyle technique difficult? 

How To Swim Front Crawl is your perfect guidebook, with over 20 simple exercises containing top tips and key coaching points.  Fully illustrated and concise, you will discover:

  • How to isolate and correct your bad habits
  • What each part of your body should be doing
  • The perfect support for your swimming lessons
Basic drills for learning how to swim front crawl
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Clearly presented, well-explained theory and technique to reinforce swimming lessons, saving you time and money.

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