Are you wondering if your butterfly stroke arm movement is letting your stroke down? Discover what you need to do to get your arms in sync with the rest of your swimming stroke.
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Butterfly stroke arm movement is a continuous simultaneous movement that requires assistance from the undulating body movement. Correct arm technique keeps the leg kick and body movement balanced.
HOW TO SWIM BUTTERFLY STROKE EBOOK: everything you need to master butterfly stroke swimming stroke. 16 easy drills that focus on each part of butterfly stroke technique. From body position to breathing and timing. Decades of teaching experience all packaged into 1 easy file. Download to your device and master swimming butterfly TODAY! (click here for a preview).
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FREE EBOOK: all of the technique tips here can be found in my 'Butterfly Stroke Technique' book, along with a couple of bonus drills to help you perfect some essential parts of the stroke.
Don't miss out! Click here to grab a FREE copy of my book.
The arm action is similar to front crawl, as the arms pull long through the water towards the hips and recover over the water surface. The underwater catch, down sweep and upsweep parts, draw a typical keyhole shape through its movement path.
The two most common mistakes made when it comes to butterfly arms are:
The arm technique is sometimes compared to front crawl when taught to beginners in its most basic form. This is where the similarities end, and this comparison can sometimes be taken literally, resulting in an almost double front crawl arm action with an excessive elbow bend. This is due to the long sweep and the recovery over the water surface.
The most common mistake made amongst slightly more advanced butterfly swimmers is a hand entry that is too wide. The hands should enter the water in line with the shoulders. If the entry and catch are wide of the shoulder line, this will result in a weak and inefficient arm pull.
Simply walking through the shallow water of about shoulder depth practising the arm action in slow motion will help establish a full sweep and an inline hand entry.
You have learnt all about the arm action - great! My book 'How To Swim Butterfly' will give you everything you need to take your butterfly technique to the next level.
Click below to download a copy to your computer, tablet or mobile device. Or, click here for more details.
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