As an adult learning how to swim breaststroke, your chances of success are very high. Breaststroke is the most effortless swimming stroke to learn when you're an adult, but it doesn't come without frustrations. You could be pulling and kicking and feeling like you're getting nowhere fast or getting somewhere but are exhausted in the process.
Look no further. I have taken breaststroke technique and broken it down into separate parts to make it clear to see what each part of your body should be doing.
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HOW TO SWIM BREASTSTROKE EBOOK: everything you need to master breaststroke swimming stroke. 22 easy drills that focus on each part of breaststroke technique. From body position to breathing and timing. Decades of teaching experience all packaged into 1 easy file. Download to your device and master breaststroke TODAY! (click here for an INSTANT preview).
Don't miss out! Click here for more details on how to get your copy.
In the video clip below, watch how the arms pull the head up to breathe, and the legs kick the head down to exhale while the stroke remains smooth and seamless.
1. The stroke begins with the body in a stretched out, horizontal position with the face in the water.
2. The upper body lifts as the arms pull, and the head lifts to breathe.
3. Breaststroke leg kick takes place under the water and begins with the legs in an extended position with feet together.
4. The knees bend to bring the heels towards the butt, and the feet flex into an outward turned position simultaneously.
FREE EBOOK: all technique tips here can be found in my 'Breaststroke Technique' book, along with a couple of bonus drills to help you perfect some essential parts of the stroke.
Don't miss out! Click here to grab a FREE copy of my book.
5. With the feet now turned outwards, they accelerate in a curved pathway, with the soles of the feet exposed to the water to provide propulsion.
6. The feet then snap together, and the legs finish together to form a streamlined shape.
7. The arms begin extended out front with palms facing downwards.
8. The arms then pull in a circular movement, outwards and downwards, followed by a movement inwards and forwards.
9. The hands finish together with extended arms and elbows tucked in to maintain a streamlined shape.
10. Breathing inwards takes place every time the arms pull back to allow the body to lift and the head to rise.
11. Breathing outwards occurs as the legs kick back and the arms extend forwards - think 'blow your hands forwards'.
12. The coordination of the stroke can be broken down into a repeated pattern of 'pull, breathe, kick, glide'.
If you are serious about improving your breaststroke swimming technique, then grab a copy of my book 'How To Swim Breaststroke'. (click here for an instant preview)
This unbelievably popular book contains simple drills and pro coaching points to fine-tune your technique.
Click below to download my book today.
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