When it comes to front crawl breathing, there are two techniques to try out: trickle breathing or explosive breathing.
Are you one of those swimmers who gets to the end of your first length or lap, and collapses in a breathless heap feeling like you're going to pass out from exhaustion? When you swim front crawl, breathing technique could be letting you down. Read on, because the solution to your lack of breath is right here.
HOW TO SWIM FRONT CRAWL EBOOK: everything you need to master front crawl swimming stroke. 22 easy drills that focus on each part of front crawl technique. From body position to breathing and timing. Decades of teaching experience all packaged into 1 easy file. Download to your device and master front crawl TODAY! (click here for an instant preview).
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Before I explain the different types of breathing technique, it is important to understand how and when to breathe - sometimes referred to as ‘front crawl breathing timing’.
The key points are:
Breathing technique must be in sync with the overall timing and coordination of the swimming stroke. For more about front crawl breathing timing, click here.
The video clip below shows the basic breathing technique in action. Watch carefully how the arm pulls back and creates a space for the head to roll and the mouth to clear the water and inhale. The head is then rolled down again as the arm recovers over the water.
When you swim front crawl, breathing techniques I talk about such as explosive and trickle refer to how you exhale as you swim.
You may be completely unaware of how you breathe when you are swimming front crawl so now is the time to discover which breathing technique suits your and for you to take control of your front crawl swimming stroke.
FREE EBOOK: all of the technique tips here can be found in my 'Front Crawl Technique' book, along with a couple of bonus drills to help you perfect some essential parts of your swimming stroke.
Don't miss out! Click here to grab a FREE copy of my book.
Although trickle breathing is usually the easiest and most widely used, explosive breathing does work well for some people. Therefore it is important to try both and experiment.
Front crawl breathing timing and breathing frequency is very much an individual thing. Some swimmers start out breathing every 4 strokes or more and then increase the frequency to every stroke as their energy levels drop off.
Some find it easy to just breathe every stroke to the same side right from the start. This helps them to establish a steady rhythm and sustain a smooth stroke over a longer distance.
There is also a matter of fitness level and your breathing pattern could be dictated by your stamina, or lack of it. The more you swim, the more your stamina will increase and this will improve your front crawl breathing by default.
1. Holding your breath during the swimming stroke
This comes naturally to most people but it is not necessarily the most energy efficient way of swimming.
It is very common, especially for beginners, to hold their breath and adopt an explosive breathing technique without knowing they are doing so.
Breath holding causes an increase in carbon dioxide in the system, which increase the urgency to breathe. This can cause swimmers to become breathless very quickly.
Trickle breathing is the most effective breathing technique for beginners as it allows a gentle release of carbon dioxide from the lungs, which then makes inhalation easier.
2. Lifting your head instead of rolling it to the side.
Lifting the head causes the legs to sink and the overall body position to be disturbed and the swimming stroke to be inefficient.
The best exercise for perfecting trickle breathing and ensuring the head is not lifting is to hold a float with a diagonal grip and kick. The diagonal grip allows space for the head to roll to the side.
My 'How To Swim Front Crawl' ebook contains some basic front crawl breathing exercises and shows how to get your breathing to fit into your arm pull and leg kick actions (click here for an instant preview). Your front crawl breathing timing will be slick and when you swim front crawl, breathing technique perfected, you will be swimming longer distances with less effort.
Click below to download a copy to your computer, tablet or mobile device. Or, click here for information about my fantastic book.
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