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How To Stand Up Mid Swim

Learning how to stand up mid swim from a face up and face down position in the water are essential to learning to swim and overcoming the fear of swimming.

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Stopping and standing up from swimming is an often forgotten part of learning to swim.  Once a beginner is able to stop themselves and stand up on the pool floor their confidence takes a massive boost.  Whatever their standard of swimming, knowing that as long as they are within their depth they can stop and stand up when they become tired or anxious, brings increased confidence. 

Complete beginners can start from holding the poolside and practice bending their knees forward and placing their feet on the pool floor.  They can then progress to holding floats under each arm and performing the same movement.  As confidence grows, the swimmer can attempt standing without assistance, which  requires a greater use of the arms and hands.  This can also be progressed to a moving  exercise, moving first towards and then away from the poolside.

How To Stand Up Mid Swim From Prone (Face Down)

Movement should be relaxed and smooth, knees are drawn forward as the arms Simultaneously pull downward and backwards as the head lifts and faces forward.

how to stand up mid swim

Key Focus Points

  • Pull down and back with both arms
  • Bend your knees forwards as if to sit
  • Lift your head upwards
  • Place your feet on the pool floor

Common Faults

  • The movement is rushed and not relaxed
  • Failure to bend the knees
  • Arching the back
  • Failure to pull down and back with the hands

How To Stand from A Supine Position (Face Up)

The movement should be relaxed and smooth as the knees are drawn towards the chest.  The arms pull upwards and forwards and the head should lift and face forward as the feet are placed on the pool floor.

how to stand up mid swim

Key Points

  • Pull both arms upwards to the surface
  • Bend your knees forwards as if to sit
  • Lift your head upwards
  • Place your feet on the pool floor

Common Faults 

  • Movement is rushed and not relaxed
  • Failure to bend the knees
  • Arching the back
  • Failure to pull up with both arms

Learnt how to stop?  Now keep going...

My extremely popular 'Complete Beginners Guide To Swimming' contains all the help and support you will need from floating, gliding and relaxing, as well as every technique tip for learning the four basic swimming strokes. 

Click below to download a copy to your computer, tablet or mobile device.  Or, click here for more details

Swimming guide for beginners pdfThe Complete Beginners Guide To Swimming


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Real-Life Questions and Answers

Learning to stand up is holding me back. 'Stopping and standing up mid-swim is a vital part of learning to swim and is a cause of stress for many adults I have taught over the years.'

How do you return to standing when swimming in a prone position? 'Getting back to a standing position whilst swimming requires a combination of movements, some of which are simultaneous.'