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Swimming armbands are probably the most popular and most commonly used swimming aid for young children and toddlers alike. Armbands are very cheap and very durable floatation aids that are ideal for assisting young children in the early stages of learning to swim.
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They help to keep kids afloat in the water whilst at the same time give them a sense of freedom, allowing them to kick and move about the pool independently.
Although they can be restrictive to the movement of their arms, they keep a child close to the surface of the water. This allows them to experience blowing bubbles in the water and any splashing sensations, all of which are vital parts of the learning to swim process.
Whilst very popular, armbands are by no means perfect. They have their advantages and disadvantages although it is fair to say that the pros probably outweigh the cons, but you can decide for yourself...
Now that you have read about the pros and cons of using swim armbands on children and toddlers, you have come to your own conclusions and are now looking for where to buy them. Click the link below to find your local buying options.