Are you one of those frustrated beginners with hundreds of swimming questions going around and around in your head?
Learning to swim can be a challenging and sometimes frustrating experience. You have your good days and you have your not so good days and as a swimming teacher, I am constantly being asked questions.
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The most common questions that I get asked are listed below with links to some detailed answers, along with some encouragement that I have given to some of the beginners that have contacted me.
This is one of the most common swimming questions asked.
Floating is a characteristic of your body. Either you float well or you do not. In general lean muscular people tend to sink and people with a higher body fat percentage will tend to float. That does not mean that if you do not float well then you cannot learn to swim. Here are my tips for floating when learning to swim.
Never! Anyone can learn to swim at any age. Where you start will depend on how comfortable or uncomfortable you are in the water. Here is a detailed answer I gave to a 65 year old lady asking the very same question.
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Become confident with submerging underwater first. Practice in water of standing depth with your feet standing on the pool floor and also with your feet lifted off of the pool floor. Keep in mind that the water is trying to support you, not pull you down. Here are some simple exercises for conquering a fear of deep water.
A simultaneous movement of the arms and legs is needed here.
The arms pull down through the water and the knees bend forward before the feet are placed on the pool floor. A common mistake is to arch the back and lift the head without moving the arms or legs. Here is a detailed explanation with a simple diagram showing how to stand up in the pool after swimming.
Yes certainly. It is preferable to learn how to submerge and breath when learning to swim as this enhances confidence in all areas of swimming. However a recreational type of breaststroke where the head remains above the water surface can be used. Technically this type of breaststroke is not very efficient but it is commonly swum. Here is my detailed answer when asked this question.
Relax! The more you relax, the more your body will be inclined to float. Even if your body composition makes you a poor floater, if you relax as you swim you will find it easier to remain at or near the water surface. Click here for a more detailed answer.
This depends firstly on your fitness level and secondly on the swimming stroke you swim because some swimming strokes are physically more demanding than others. For example front crawl is more intense than breaststroke, but whatever the stroke, correct swimming technique will ensure you swim through the water with maximum efficiency, using the minimum of energy. Click here for a detailed explanation.
Got more burning swimming questions? You can be sure that the answers along with some practical exercises to try out in the pool are detailed in my very popular book 'The Complete Beginners Guide To Swimming'.
Click below to download a copy to your computer, tablet or mobile device. Or, click here for more details.
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It's difficult for me to take a breath. How can I swim with my head always over water? 'The easiest way to swim with your head out of the water is to swim Breaststroke.'
I joined swimming and learnt to float within four days... 'Learning to float in 4 days is a fine achievement, and this tells me that you may be able to learn to swim in only a short time.'
I am a 35-year-old lady learning to swim for the first time. I have been to two lessons and feel like giving up.. 'First of all - don't give up! You have only had two lessons, and Rome was not built in a day.'
My friend is teaching me how to swim the strokes. I can swim them fine, but I have a problem when water gets up my nose. 'I think both of your nose problems are related and caused by a fundamental error with your breathing technique.'
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